This presentation was a recorded Webinar and converted to online learning format.

NRCan has recently released a Planning and Decision Guide for Solar PV Systems, offering an integrated design strategy supporting residential builders seamlessly integrate solar PV into their projects.  Key solar PV systems design and installation challenges are explained and demystified.  Design teams are guided through intentional steps clearly defining solar energy production goals, solar array placement and attachment methods, electrical and structural impacts, and technology choices - in the design stage; avoiding  common pitfalls and improving solar PV project outcomes .  

In this session, Jonathan Zerkee of Sonbuilt Custom Homes, and Ben Giudici of Riverside Energy Systems will demonstrate the NRCan guide in action; working live through a real residential design example.  Design and application principles presented will be relevant to residential and commercial design and construction professionals interested in how to integrate solar PV into their projects, with the best possible outcomes.    

Course Length 0:52:52
Parts 1
CPD Value 1

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